oakscare.co.uk gridhosted.co.uk

Oaks Care

Find out more about Oakwood House and our services. Oakwood House is a newly developed residential care home that has been designed for men and women between the age group of 18-65,for those with a Mental Health illness and associated conditions. At Oakwood House we are committed to providing our residents with an excellent standard of support and dedication. Read about Oakwood House Residential care home for Mental Health. We create and work in a User-Led environment with Person Centred Planning to e.


The domain oakscare.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk currently has an average traffic classification of zero (the lower the more traffic). We have inspected seven pages within the domain oakscare.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk and found two websites linking to oakscare.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk.
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We observed that a single root page on oakscare.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk took four thousand seven hundred and eighty-one milliseconds to come up. I could not find a SSL certificate, so therefore our crawlers consider this site not secure.
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4.781 secs
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We observed that this website is utilizing the Apache operating system.


Oaks Care


Find out more about Oakwood House and our services. Oakwood House is a newly developed residential care home that has been designed for men and women between the age group of 18-65,for those with a Mental Health illness and associated conditions. At Oakwood House we are committed to providing our residents with an excellent standard of support and dedication. Read about Oakwood House Residential care home for Mental Health. We create and work in a User-Led environment with Person Centred Planning to e.


The domain oakscare.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk has the following in the web page, "Find out more about Oakwood House and our services." We observed that the webpage also stated " Oakwood House is a newly developed residential care home that has been designed for men and women between the age group of 18-65,for those with a Mental Health illness and associated conditions." It also stated " At Oakwood House we are committed to providing our residents with an excellent standard of support and dedication. Read about Oakwood House Residential care home for Mental Health. We create and work in a User-Led environment with Person Centred Planning to e."


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